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카테고리 없음

Gathering Blue

I read this book when I was 9 years old. Today I started to read this book again in a clear mind. I started to read this book because I got tired of reading Les Miserables. So I decided to read this book again. The main character Kira, has twisted leg. So when she was born, the gardian decided to take her to the field. Luckily her mom was strong enough to keep her. So she argued with them, and she won. But the years were fast. Her mom was dead. So a woman named Vandara took her house and stuff.The next day she was sent for trial. They decided to give her a job of making the singer s robe with protection of her own gardian Jamison. As soon as a wind, she started to make the singer s robe. She met a good friends and her lost father. The ‘friends’ I meant was a young singer named Jo and a carver named Thomas. The ‘lost father’ I meant was Christoper. Everyone thought he was eaten by beasts but he wasn’t. He even had ‘blue’ which was precious colour.I like this book so much because it’s world is truly different from our world. In this book, people trash people if they become too old or useless. They sometimes don’t know what love is. I think we are looking particular people as ‘useless’ ones. I really think we have to learn what real happiness is, what true love is, and lastly what true friendship is
미국에서 가장 권위 있는 어린이·청소년 문학상인 뉴베리 상을 두 번이나 수상하고 보스턴 글로브 혼 북 상, 리자이너 메달 등을 수상한 미국의 대표적인 청소년 문학 작가 로이스 로리의 SF 청소년 소설 3부작 중 2번째 이야기. 모두가 잃어버린 여러 감정들을 찾아나서는 열두 살 소년의 이야기를 그린 기억 전달자 의 후속편 격으로, 문명이 파괴된 어두운 미래 사회, 그 속에서 희망을 수놓기 위해 파란색 실을 만들려는 소녀 키라의 이야기가 흥미진진하게 펼쳐진다.

이 작품은 핵전쟁으로 인해 모든 문명이 파괴된 미래 사회의 어느 마을을 배경으로 펼쳐진다. 이 마을은 사람들이 원시적인 방식으로 힘겹게 살아갈 뿐만 아니라 몸이 불편해서 제대로 일할 수 없는 주민은 마을 밖에 내다버리는 잔인한 규칙을 가진 곳이다. 태어날 때부터 다리가 불편한 키라는 고아가 되자 마을에서 쫓겨날 위기에 처하지만, 다행히 뛰어난 자수 실력을 인정받아 마을 연례 모임 때 쓰일 옷을 수선하기 시작한다. 그러던 중 키라는 염색을 배우기 위해 숲에 사는 애너벨러 할머니를 찾아가고 그때부터 지도자들이 마을의 미래를 자기 뜻대로 움직이기 위해 벌이고 있는 음모를 차츰차츰 깨달아 가게 되는데..

불편한 몸에도 불구하고 진실에 한 발짝씩 다가가고 결국에는 마을의 미래를 스스로 책임지기로 선택하는 키라의 모습을 통해 저자는 우리 사회가 보통과 다른 사람들을 어떻게 대해야 하는지, 또한 절망 속에서 어떻게 희망을 찾아갈 것인지 생각해 보게 한다.

Kira saw that she was surrounded by hostile women who had come from their cotts and were watching Vandara for instructions and leadership. Several, she noticed, had rocks in their hands. If one rock were thrown, others would follow, she knew. They were all waiting for the first... When Kira is summoned to judgement by the Council of the Guardians to resolve a village conflict, Kira knows she is fighting for her life. In this challenging vision of the future, society is not technoogically advanced, and is tough and unforgiving, with every member having to prove their place. Kira has a withered leg and up till now has had her mother to protect her. With her mother gone, Kira will need to use every ounce of cunning, wit and bravery to ensure her continued acceptance - and even survival. A compelling, thought-provoking vision of a future society from an award-winning author.